
BE IN Health


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I chose the word "completion" to be my mantra, my focus for 2018. As a perfectionist I tend to start 10 projects at once, get side tracked along the way, and never get back to finishing any of them. I also chose a Scripture verse to help me stay on track with my goals, Romans 12:11, "Not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." I will  be using a timer in 30 minute intervals, for my decluttering and completion projects to help me stay focused. I figure that is a realistic time in which I should be able to handle cleaning out/decluttering 1 thing/drawer/shelf/box/etc. at a time. No need to overwhelm myself and quit that project again!

The following is my schedule for each day in order of priority.

  1. Bible study, devotional reading, prayer
  2. Physical exercise including daily yoga and Tai Chi practices, plus one other activity, dancing, walking, etc
  3. Follow daily cleaning schedule
  4. Decluttering
  5. Project completion

Of course this is just the bare bones, since I didn't list all of my daily chores, feeding the dogs, meal prep, etc. I really don't want to bore you with the details! Remember the quote about social media and knowing everyone's status/business?! 

So now that we have chatted this week about goals ​and given you a little insight into who I am and what I will be doing this year, please feel free to leave a comment and share your goals and plans. I would love to hear from you. Accountability is often helpful in accomplishing what we start. Knowing that we wrote it down, posted our list where we are reminded every day of our priorities, and then letting others know our progress keeps us motivated. Let's be diligent this year to be an encouragement to each other to become the best version of who God created us to become. Challenge ourselves to be stretched, face our fears, and live with no regrets! 

Have a blessed weekend! 





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